pagebar.js/** * 分页组件 */define(function(require, exports, module) { var pageBarTpl = require("tpl/pagebar.html"), pageBarTplCom = juicer(pageBarTpl); var defaultOpts = {}; var PageBar = function(options) { if (!options.totalCount) { return; } this.container = $(options.container); this.options = $.extend({}, defaultOpts, options); this.init(); }; PageBar.prototype = { constructor : PageBar, init : function() { this.initUI(); this.initEvents(); }, initUI : function() { var opts = this.options; this.pageCount = parseInt((opts.totalCount + opts.pageSize - 1) / opts.pageSize); this.container.html(pageBarTplCom.render({ pagecount : this.pageCount })); this.pageCount == 1 ? this.container.hide() : this.container.show(); this.currPage = 1; this.pages = this.container.find(".page-nav"); }, initEvents : function() { var that = this; var opts = that.options; that.container.on("click", "li a", function() { var index = $(this).data("index"), page; if (index == "previous") { index = that.currPage - 1; } else if (index == "next") { index = that.currPage + 1; } if (index < 1 || index > that.pageCount) { return; } if (index === that.currPage) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < that.pages.length; i++) { page = $(that.pages[i]); page.removeClass("active"); if (page.find("a:first-child").data("index") === index) { page.addClass("active"); } } that.currPage = index; opts.onCallback && opts.onCallback(index); }); }, destroy : function() { this.container.off("click", "li a"); } }; module.exports = PageBar;});
/** * 分页组件 */define(function(require, exports, module){ return ' ';});
initPageBar : function(imgcount) { var that = this; var imgdg = $(that.dialog.node); var opts = that.options; that.pagebar && that.pagebar.destroy(); if (opts.pageSize >= imgcount) { $("#img-pagebar").empty(); $("#img-pagebar").hide(); } else { that.pagebar = new PageBar({ container : "#img-pagebar", totalCount : imgcount, pageSize : opts.pageSize, onCallback : function(index) { imgdg.find("#img-pagebar").hide(); imgdg.find(".js_loading").show(); that.getImageList({ begin : (index - 1) * opts.pageSize, count : opts.pageSize }, function(data) { var images = data.images; that.renderImageList(images, that.imgArr); imgdg.find("#img-pagebar").show(); imgdg.find(".js_loading").hide(); }); imgdg.find(".imgdg-main").scrollTop(0); } }); } },